septiembre 10, 2015

Traveling changes people. 
People change the world

I want to share this incredible web site a friend showed me. WORLDPACKERS gives the opportunity to travel around the world very accessible. Exchanging your skills (kind of volunteer jobs) for accommodation. Worldpackers is a very friendly site where you can create a profile, tell the story about your background  such a education, work and travel experiences. But the most important part is to choose the skills you are good at or you are interested in. Any skill you chose  will have three options to select: 
- I want to learn it
-Some experience

Depends on the skills you chose, the website will originate some recommendations of places that are looking for people like you (with necessaries skills). Once you create the list of your skills you can search for the place you want to go, the date you want to arrive and depart on. The specific skill you want to develop in this trip and what kind of environment you will like (beach, nature, city,hiking,yoga, shopping, etc). After that it will populate the hostals which are available and you can apply for the position.

Every hostal has a specific and complete information about the volunteer job such as how many hour per week the person will need to work, the specific dutties and responsabilities, day off, languages required. The majority of hostals offer acommodation, meals and laundry.

Another option Worldpackers has is that you can give an opinion about other people such as recommendations, life experiences and validate the skills the person has in their profile. If you already took a trip with worldpackers you can rate the hostal you stayed and write about your personal experiences.

In your profile you have the option to create a Wish List where you can put those places you want to visit or if you find a specific host you can save it for a later trip. There is also a "Places I have been" section where you can upload pictures of the places you have visited or lived.

I want to encourage you to create a profile an endorse my skills. LET´S TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD

Here is how my profile looks.
Un paso a la vez
Un paso a la vez

Mujer Panameña, viajera empedernida, amante del buen comer.
